Quote of the Day

"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work" - Chuck Close

As Women Play Kings...

The world, as we know it, has always acknowledged the dominance of the male species. Women, as a rule, have been portrayed as an asset to possess, a figure of aesthetics and as a symbol of nurture, rather than as individuals same as man, only with a few anatomical difference.

Even now, with the leaps in sciences and studies, and even after the establishment of the insignificance of these anatomical difference, the societies reptilian second eyelid remains half closed.

Not until the 18th century, has the concept of women being seen as a significant presence in the society, been conceded. But, having said that, history has shown that, throughout time, women have tried to make subtle differences in the world in their own way. In a way, that they knew would make the world notice them, with beauty, persistence, patience, empathy, sympathy, smartness and so much more.

Now, the times are changing. The touches aren’t so subtle anymore, neither are their inconspicuousness. Women, everywhere, all over the world, have come out of the societal encasements to wave the “we rule” flags. This is amply portrayed in the current rate of Women Enterpreneurs rising with vengeance, after years of suppression.
What started out as ‘A woman needs a man’s protection’, has evolved into the society saying ‘I don’t know how she does it’, to finally accepting that ‘she’s the man’.

   “A woman is like a tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

The worst situations bring the most out of people. This is true especially for ladies, for under duress, persistance can become tenacity, smart becomes shrewd, perseverance can become ambition, caution can turn cunning.

   “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” - Melinda Gates

Age long, women have lacked the voice, the collective right voice. But, now realizing that what women lack in strength physically, are made up hundred fold mentally. This realisation is motivation enough to become the resounding voice that resonate the others.

   “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” - Margaret Thatcher

Women are naturally tenacious. They would go to any lengths to protect their own. The evidence lies with the mother-child interaction. Now, if that same headstrong stubbornness were to be channeled… Women are passionate creatures. It could scorch and spread like wildfire, bright and unstoppable.

   “Women are the real architects of society.” - Harriet Beecher Stowe 
The men had their turn, for too long, in my humble opinion. Now, it time for the ladies to take over. And they have. The proof lies in the countless successful ventures witnessed everyday. They are not just daughters and wives. They are not, teachers, bankers, lawyers and doctors anymore. Now, they are courageous risk takers, brave venturers, ambitious business owners - Enterpreneurs.

   “A successful woman is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back.” 
They have risen. They are growing. They mentor each other. They give and take support. It’s a growing community of ‘her’, for ‘her’.

This is where the success lies.

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